

Theo was born in June 2014. He loves learning about dinosaurs, reading books, telling jokes, creating video games, and winning at card games (losing…not so much…). He’s very funny and outgoing but also shows a great deal of empathy.


2 thoughts on “Theo

  1. How is having a third child after your second child has WS? We have always wanted 3 kids but our second has WS. Now my husband is unsure of a third because he doesn’t want to, for lack of better terms, neglect our WS child. All of our specialists have been adamant about treating our WS child like any other child because he will never reach his full potential if he is limited, so I am not concerned about adding another child. Any advice?

    • Hi Alyssa! Oh, I absolutely think you should have another kid if you always envisioned 3. I also always envisioned 3, and my third really completes the family. My daughter with WS is our middle child, so I can relate to your predicament. But, don’t worry. Even though your son has more needs, I think you can find a balance. And then as your other kids get older, they end up helping out too. If you want to email me with any questions, I’m always happy to help. My email address is:
      Thanks so much for reaching out! I’m happy you found my blog.

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